Public Private Partnership: Insights from the Egyptian Experience
Partnership between private and public organizations has become very vital for policy implementation. PPP contracts have been successful for the recent years in many countries such as United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, South Africa, and The United States. Egypt is considered to be one of the MENA region leaders in the PPP field. PPPs are considered to be on the top of the Egyptian economic reform agenda so as to increase the private sector involvement in public services through leveraging private sector spending against public spending. The objective of this theoretical paper is to analyze the role of public private partnership in Egypt with regards to developing meaningful cooperation between the governments and businesses in a way that enables effective provision of cost efficient quality public goods, services and facilities. The significance of the study lies in the fact that PPP has become a crucial need for the government of Egypt for rendering an efficient public services and projects amidst all the challenges for developing the country after the 25th of January Revolution.
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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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