Tourism Support Services as Indicators for Socio-Economic Development of Uyo in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
This paper examined tourism support services as indicators for socio-economic development of Uyo. The study investigate visitors arrivals in the seven selected tourism support services, the demographic characteristics of the sampled population types of employment and distribution and challenges encountered by staff in the tourism support services in the study area. Questionnaire and checklist were the methods used in data collection such that the questionnaire were distributed to staff in the tourism support services so as to captured the demographic characteristics of the sampled population, challenges encountered by staff in the industry and the checklist was used to obtained data such as types and distribution of employment. The result from data obtained indicates that the tourism support services in Uyo have significantly contributed to the socio-economic development of Uyo as evidenced in the various types and distribution of employment in the study. This was also affirmed in the tested hypothesis which shows a significant variation in employment generation between indigenous and non-indigenous in the study area. The finding also indicate that the staff in the industry were faced with challenges which need urgent attention if the tourism support services must function effectively in the study area.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Eja, Eja. I., Eneyo, Violet Bassey

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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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