Undergraduates’ Academic Performance, Self-Esteem and Perceived Social Support as Determinants of Perceived Stress
The aim of current paper is to investigate the relationships between academic performance, self-esteem, perceived social support and perceived stress among the undergraduates in both Malaysian public and private universities. Research data is gathered from a sample of 144 of undergraduates from public and private universities in Malaysia. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) is employed to examine the influences of academic performance, self-esteem, perceived social support and perceived stress among the undergraduates. The results demonstrate that self-esteem and perceived social support are viewed as potential predictors of perceived stress among undergraduates. However, there is no significant relationship between academic performance and perceived stress. Future researchers are suggested to conduct similar researches in qualitative or experimental setting in order to minimize personal bias in a longitudinal design. Current paper provides new in-depth and practical implications to all parties to pay attention in efforts to improve undergraduate’s well-being and achievement in their tertiary education stage. This paper offers new insight into the predicting factors of perceived stress among undergraduates in Malaysian context.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v8i4.13668
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