The Relationship among Perceived Organizational Support, Trust, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention: A Study of Banking Sector in Pakistan
This research inspects the impact of POS on trust, job satisfaction and turnover intention and observe the mediating effect of job satisfaction between POS, trust and turnover intention. A sample of 281 is taken from the banking sector. Convenience Sampling is used. The scales are taken from earlier research and confirmed for validity & reliability. Eight hypotheses are explored. Data is analyzed through descriptive statistics and multiple regression. Results indicated that POS positively affected trust and job satisfaction, so did trust on job satisfaction. POS, trust and job satisfaction negatively affected turnover intention and the results are consistent with previous researches. Job satisfaction performed as partial mediator between POS and turnover intention; trust and turnover intention. The study is useful but also suffers from some limitations. This study was done on banking sector so it can only apply to banking sector. Other sector like education and health sector were missing. Time was limited, sample size was not too big. The findings of this study shows the importance of POS, trust and job satisfaction in affecting turnover intention in banking sector. For minimizing turnover intention mangers in this sector must consider these indicators. The research for the relation among said variables has been abundant in past, but in this area the research is still lacking so the gap is still there.
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