Crisis in Boeing 787 Dreamliner: An Investigation from Project Management Control Perspective
The organizational project management control has been the area of great interest from long time among the investigators who validated that there is a great necessity of control approaches in an organization to acquire their goals. In this paper, a detailed analysis describing the stages associated with control in project management process has been illustrated. In the first phase the proposed plans are outlined with a follow up on the deviation of the plans with causes. In the final phase a detailed solution analysis was carried on what the company did to fix the series of delays along with some suggestions stating proper ways of dealing the situations. This research gives a wide overview on the problems that 787 Dreamliner faced during its manufacturing and delivery process. The analysis was done on the control perspective. Innovative solutions was laid down which if applied during the service procedures could have avoided the problems related to delay of 787 Dreamliner’s delivery. The main intention of this research is that the solutions and strategies provided can be implemented successfully to the other organization for better planning and handling of entire process ultimately minimizing the downtime and increasing the productivity of the organization.
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