Perception of Justice in Performance Appraisal; A Comparative Study of Public And Private Institutions of Pakistan
The aim of this study is to assess the employees’ perception of justice related to the Performance Appraisal System and its impact on the satisfaction level with the help of supervisor role as moderator. Quantitative techniques are used to analyze the data. Data were collected through non-probability sampling. Survey Questionnaire is used to collect the data. The research investigates the information about employee’s perception of performance appraisal and its effect on their level of satisfaction. The 200 responses were obtained from different institution of public and private sector of Pakistan, those institutions are from Banking and Airline Sector. Study do not support the supervisor role as moderator. On the other hand comparison of Public and Private Institutions shows minimal difference among perception of their employees and also there is very less difference existing among performance appraisal practices of both sectors of Pakistan.
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