A Review of Obstacles of ICT Usage in Nigerian Tertiary Educational Institutions
The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in learning institutions is an order of the day in various parts of the world. This primarily has to do with its significance in teaching and learning on one hand, and its associated obstacles on the other. ICT been in used in Nigerian higher institutions for decades, steadily making progress, however, many obstacles were noted in the literatures. This study is conceptualized to review ICT usage in Nigeria and the associated obstacles amongst tertiary institutions in Nigeria. The study is asked to pinpoint these by extracting related literatures. The study identified obstacles such as inconsistent electricity supply, computer illiteracy, high cost of internet data and electronic services, fear of change, fear of redundancy, lack of adequate facilities and the issue of internet and electronic security. It is suggested that provision of consistent electricity supply, training and ICT refresher courses and establishment of ICT centers to curtail cyber- crime etc. will go a long way in overcoming the barriers of effective integration and usage of ICT in the Nigerian tertiary institutions.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v8i4.13831
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