A Survey on the Role of Fringe Benefits in Employee Satisfaction – An Analysis of Organizations of Pakistan
This study investigates the relationship between fringe benefits and employee’s job satisfaction. More specifically, following variables were taken as fringe benefits (i) Health Protection Benefits, (ii) Recreation Leaves, and (iii) Flexible Working hours. The primary data is gathered through questionnaire from the sample size of 200 respondents based on non-probability convenience sampling technique. The results were later analyzed through exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression. This study showed positive and significant relationship of Recreation Leaves and Health protection benefits on job satisfaction whereas in case of flexible working hours, the relationship seems to be insignificant. Through results, it may be concluded that if a good number of leaves and a good health Protection plan is provided by the employer, the employees tend to be more satisfied and committed towards their job. Whereas, flexible working hours does not much contribute much towards their level of satisfaction towards job. This study might help employers in Pakistan to add commendable benefits programs to their schedule in order to retain their loyal employees and increase firm’s productivity.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v9i1.14162
Copyright (c) 2019 sahar Nisar, Danish Ahmed Siddiqui

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