Voluntary Turnover Factors in Georgia
The contemporary world has become VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous). In the modern world people are quick to change and think quickly. In VUCA world personnel retention is one of the key points for effective, measurable, and successful results of the company’s activity. In rapidly changing environment talents' recruiting and attraction in long-term cooperation is more difficult. Employee resources should be used effectively for the business success and contrary it is important employees’ satisfaction for bilateral relationship and psychological contracting process. The companies should constantly pay attention how to detect personnel drain process effectively to increase business profitability. The best way to avoid personnel job leaving is to identify, analyze, and eliminate the reasons that caused it and try to prevent it. In this research reviewed all the reasons that might have prompted employees to leave the job. In Georgia financial growth and stability of firms depends on the country economic situation. It should be noted that employee financial dissatisfaction is not always the basis searching for a new job. In Georgia environmental macro factors affect to the institutional structure of companies. As time passes the private financially independent companies have staff crisis. The companies have a shortage of qualified candidate in the long run. At the same time continuously search for a new employee, development and professional growth is associated with the new financial expenses. There are different kinds of impact for human encouragement and motivation. The organizations should constantly control how stable human capital they have. There are researchers' opinions that personnel engagement in the modern world has a particular importance and it is easier to keep the employee engaged than satisfied.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v9i2.14395
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