The Impact of Management Information System on the Employees Performance Management in Sultanate of Oman Telecommunication Companies
The aim of this study is to analysis the impact of MIS on its dimensions in performance management In the Sultanate of Oman. The researcher tested the hypothesis of the study using multiple regression analysis, descriptive statistics, and Several conclusions found in the study; namely: There is an impact of management information systems on managing the performance of employees as a whole in telecommunications companies in the Sultanate of Oman. There is an impact of MIS on the performance management (performance planning) on the telecommunications companies in the Sultanate of Oman. While the results indicated that the software components and networks of management information systems do not affect the employee's performance management concerning performance planning.
There is an impact of information management systems (human resources, software, networks) on the employees’ performance management represented the performance audit, and follow-up in the telecommunications companies in the Sultanate of Oman. While the results indicated that the material resources, and the MIS database did not affect the employees’ performance management represented by performance review, and follow-up.
There is an impact of MIS (Human Resources, material resources, Software, Database) on the performance management of performance appraisal of telecom companies. While the results indicated that the networking component of MIS did not affect the employees’ performance management represented by performance appraisal.
There is an impact of MIS on employee performance management of feedback in the telecoms companies. While the results indicated that the IT component of MIS did not affect the employees’ performance management represented by feedback.
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