Antecedents of Job Crafting Behavior within Organizations: The Role of Personal Resources, Job Resources and Perceived Opportunities to Craft in Employees Proactive Behavior
This study examines the impact of personal resources and job resources on employees’ perceived opportunities to craft and job crafting behavior. Based on research following the Job Demands and Resources (JD-R) theory, we hypothesize that personal resources (i.e., resilience and self-efficacy) and job resources (i.e., developmental opportunities and feedback) have a positive relationship with employees’ perceived opportunities to craft and actual job crafting behavior in multiple and interrelated ways. We collected data among employees working in various organizations and occupations in The Netherlands (N=810), and tested the hypothesized multiple mediation model using structural equation modelling (SEM) analyses. The outcomes of the study increase our knowledge of the factors affecting job crafting behavior within organizations – including employee perceptions (perceived opportunities to craft), employee characteristics (personal resources), and work characteristics (job resources). Combining these antecedents, this study may help to better understand and to stimulate job crafting behavior at work.
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