The Determinants of Retail Pharmacists Retention With a Mediating Effect of Continuance Commitment
The turnover of employees is the most challenging issue facing by the organization. Retail pharmacy industry in Malaysia is also facing the same issue, especially for pharmacist position. According to the interview conducted with one of the biggest retail pharmacies in Malaysia, in 2018, 20% of their pharmacists resigned and reluctant to stay even they were offered with a higher salary or better benefits. A skilled and experienced pharmacist is very important in a pharmacy and any other health care center because they are dealing with a patient's health and safety. Newly graduate pharmacist might cause medication errors and increase the risk of patient’s safety. 155 pharmacists will be selected for this study. The sample for this study is the retail pharmacist who works in Negeri Sembilan and Pahang state. This research will focus to identify which factors (transformational leadership, job satisfaction, and procedural justice) have the most significant influences on a retail pharmacist's retention. In addition, this study will also investigate a mediating effect of continuance commitment towards the independent and dependent variables. The descriptive research design will be used as the structure of this research. This study will use the established instruments from the relevant research journal instead of developing own questions. The collected data and information from the respondents will be analyzed by using SPSS software.
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