Influence of Attendance Policy Implementation on Faculty Absenteeism: Issues and Prospects for Policy Upgrade
The study investigated if faculty absenteeism is influenced by the extent of policy implementation on attendance monitoring, reporting, and usage of records. Through the use of Focus Group Discussion, it also determined the issues and prospects surrounding the policy and its implementation, in an attempt to generate inputs for upgrading the attendance policies and procedures in a technological university operating in Quezon City and Manila City in the Philippines. Respondents of the study were comprised of faculty members, attendance checkers, academic heads, and Human Resource Department staff of the said institution. The results revealed that faculty absenteeism is not influenced by the extent of implementing the policy on attendance monitoring, reporting and usage of record. The study also discovered some policy issues such as uncommitted attendance checkers, improper and inconsistent attendance remarks, lenient implementation of the attendance monitoring policy, and lack of coordination among concerned departments.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Dassy Jane S. Maquilan, Carl Mark B. Miniano

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