A Review Study of the Human Resource Management Practices on Job Satisfaction of Hotel Industry Employees of Malaysia
The purpose of this review study to determine the impact of human resource management practices on job satisfaction. In addition, in this research is deeply focusing on job satisfaction, various human resource management practices, hotel industry of Malaysia, providing some prior relevant theoretical model, the relationship between HRM practices and job satisfaction and hypotheses has been developed. Based on this review of existing literature has been identified that there is a lot of HR management lacking in the hotel industry of Malaysia namely; shortage of talented people, high turnover issue, lack of adequate training, lack of motivation and lack of quality services. However, based on the existing literature it is proven that there is a significant relationship between HRM practices and job satisfaction. Therefore, this study will contribute in two ways namely; In practically- helps the management of hotel industry to understand the relationship between HRM practices and job satisfaction, keep motivating and retaining skillful employees, attract talent people and reduce the turnover issue and finally developed the competitive advantage among its rivals. In theoretically- this research will be the reference for the future research on HRM practices and job satisfaction. Other than that, the conceptual framework is plain and simple that is easy to understand for the relationship between HRM practices and job satisfaction which will help other researchers to think wisely about the relationship.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v9i3.15046
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