Servant Leadership Impact on Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Employee Engagement
The current study, which purposed to examine the mediating role of Employee Engagement (EE) in the relationship of Servant Leadership (SL) with the Organizational Performance (OP), was carried out in Jordan. The researchers distributed a questionnaire to 277 participants working in the private airline sector. The study’s findings showed that SL was positively linked with Employee Satisfaction (ES) and Employee Retention (ER) as indicators for OP. Finally; the findings indicated that EE partially mediates the relationships of SL with employee satisfaction and employee retention. The current research is the first empirical study of the airline sector in Jordan. It is also the first to focus on EE as a mediator of the effect of SL and employee retention using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for analyzing the data collected from employees working in the airline sector.
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