Influence of Compensation and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance: A Study on IT Firms of Dhaka, Bangladesh
This paper aims to investigate the influence of Employee Compensation inclusive of Salary, Rewards and Incentives, Indirect Compensation and also Organizational Culture on the employee performance of the IT firms based on Dhaka, Bangladesh. A total of 204 employees of different IT firms of Dhaka were randomly selected as sample of the study responding to a structured questionnaire. The study incorporated Pearson Correlation and Multiple Regression analysis to analyze the data. The results exhibit the relationship and also demonstrate the impact of total compensation of employees and organizational culture on employee performance. The core findings of this study will benefit the user especially from the IT sector to identify the factors that increase the performance level of any IT personnel as the cumulative employee performance is the organization’s performance. The study is to be the first to explore the impact of Compensation and Organizational Culture on Employee performance in urban context of Bangladesh.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Afdalin Bin Haque, Arif Al Mahmud, Adnan Hossain

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