Employee’s Performance in a Commission for General Election of Banten Province, an Evidence from Indonesia
The importance of employee performance research in a Commission for General Election of Banten Province-Indonesia as the main problem in this research based on empirical data that we obtained from the General Election Commission in Banten Provincial Office, data shows that employee performance is not optimal yet. The state of the art of this research can be stated that this study supports the results of other studies conducted previously on the Effect of Leadership Integrity, Team Cohesiveness and Task Commitment on Employee Performance. The purpose of this study is to examine the Effect of Leadership Integrity, Team Cohesiveness and Task Commitment on Employee Performance of the General Election Commission in Banten Province. Quantitative research has been applied to this study, the respondents were employees of the Banten Provincial Election Commission. The random sampling technique was selected. The primary data, questionnaires, and tests were analyzed by path analysis. The research found that there is the Influence of Leadership Integrity, Team Cohesiveness and Task Commitment on the Employee Performance of the General Election Commission in Banten Province, Indonesia. Some recommendations are given a consideration factor in other similar organizations.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v9i3.15128
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