What the Meaning of Success in Female Entrepreneurs’ Perceptions? An Interview-Based Study
Entrepreneurs are those who are brave and willing to take a risk for success or failure. The idea of success itself has many meanings and factors behind it. By using qualitative design, this research aimed at exploring the meaning of success for female entrepreneurs and the factors that influenced their success. Data were collected through an in-depth interview with four female entrepreneurs who owned culinary business. Findings showed that the participants perceived the definition of success as the stage when they can meet financial needs such as ownership of house, vehicles and able to go Umrah. Then the financial success will shift to psychological success which formed as an inner satisfaction because they can help people by employing them, share and give some to others or families. To be successful, personal factors, internal and external support from family are really matter. Understanding the meaning of success and the factors influenced it will have implications for determining strategy in achieving success.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v9i4.15260
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