Conflict Resolution Towards a Sustainable Peace: A Lesson from The Indonesian Military Ordinariate
The diversity of tribes, religions, races, groups, and cultural expressions in various dimensions make Indonesia one of the most vibrant cultures in the world. However, it cannot be denied, that diversity has the potential to trigger social conflicts that can threaten the unity and unity of the nation and state and disrupt a safe and peaceful shared life. The long history of the Indonesian journey proves that social conflicts often occur due to the differences in ethnic groups, religious, racial background, and inter-group (SARA). Therefore, conflict resolution efforts are a necessity for Indonesia to realize a safe and peaceful shared life. This study was aimed to study the conflict resolution based on the history of the Indonesian Military Ordinariate in mitigating and resolving conflict. In general, there are two approaches to conflict resolution, namely intervention in security or stability and humanitarian intervention. Security interventions (stability) usually use military power to resolve conflicts, whereas humanitarian intervention integrates the strength of culture and local wisdom as a basis for resolving conflicts. Humanitarian intervention in resolving conflicts usually results in sustainable, peaceful reconciliation. A peace that occurs between the parties to the conflict is not due to compulsion under military pressure or State power but is born from the awareness of the parties to create mutually reconciling society.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Rofinus Neto Wuli, Muchlis R Luddin, Thomas Suyatno

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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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