Ethical Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: the Mediating Role of Ethical Climate, Trust, and Justice
This study analysed and showed that how the Top Managements’ Ethical Leadership Influences Organization Citizenship Behaviour (OCB). We proposed that Ethical leadership affects OCB by promoting ethical climate and trust in an Organization. Thus, such factors gives a rise to Procedural Justice Climate and Distributive Justice, which resulted in OCB. This theoretical framework was empirically tested by gathering data of 210 employees who are working in different sectors in Pakistan by means of close ended Likert scale type questionnaires. Numerous statistical techniques for instance descriptive statistics, (CFA) confirmatory factor analysis and (SEM) structural equation modelling were used to analyse the results. As proposed in our theory, the results indicates a positive impact of Top Management Ethical Leadership on Ethical Climate and Trust in an Organization. Moreover, the result also indicates a significant positive impact of trust on both Procedural Justice Climate & Distributive Justice. Furthermore, both of these completely intercedes the consequences of top management ethical leadership on organizational citizenship behaviour. From a different viewpoint, the impact of ethical climate on Procedural Justice Climate is significantly positive, however; the relationship between ethical climate and Distributive Justice was found to be insignificant. Hence, this investigation provides a credible theoretical description as well as observed support of a contrivance through which ethical leadership of top management boosts Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. Therefore, managers in organization can rise Firm level OCB by enhancing the overall environment of the corporation and participatory factors in an ethical manner.
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