The Effects of Workplace Incivility on Job Satisfaction: Mediating Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation, Emotional Exhaustion
Scholars have baptized for investigation relating to the antecedents and sways of workplace incivility and means to condense it. To address this concern, this study proposes a theoretical framework that explains the linkages of workplace incivility (WI) with Job satisfaction (JS). We theorized that incivility decreases employees’ motivation, increases emotional exhaustion and further leads to restricted OCB. These factors, in response, confine employees’ job satisfaction. Further ahead, age, and gender moderates the effect of incivility on job satisfaction. Hence, OCB, exhaustion, and motivation mediate incivility and job satisfaction nexus. These relationships were theorized in a singular model to portray the overall impact of the variables occurring at once. Empirical validity was established through a survey conducted through close-ended questionnaire from 272 employees working in Karachi. Results proposed that there is a negative mediatory impact of emotional exhaustion, whereas, OCB, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation had no mediatory effect on experienced incivility and job satisfaction. With regards to instigated incivility, it doesn’t cause any significant or material job dissatisfaction, however, intrinsic motivation and emotional exhaustion play a negative mediatory role. Witnessed incivility directly affect JS as its coefficient was negative and significant, however, no mediatory role was found.
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