Performance Appraisal of Employees in Tertiary Institutions: A Case Study of University of Education, Winneba (Winneba Campus)
The study sought to examine the performance appraisal of employees in tertiary institutions: a case of University of Education, Winneba (Winneba Campus). The descriptive survey design with quantitative approach was applied. Stratified and proportionate sampling were used to select respondents which included junior, senior staff and senior members of the university. Questionnaires were used to collect data for the study and the responses were analysed by frequency and percentages, line graphs, pie charts, means and standard deviations. The study revealed challenges such as fairness of evaluation decisions and lack of knowledge and skills of appraisers affect the conduct of performance appraisal. Also, employees‟ performance and developmental needs contribute to making performance appraisal effective. Evaluating employees‟ performance is ranked higher in performance appraisal. Again it was revealed that motivation affects performance appraisal and that the UEW appraises its staff annually. HODs are the highest appraiser category in the UEW. Lastly, the findings showed that performance appraisal in the University has succeeded in identifying staff performance needs as very moderate. Recommendations were made based on the prompt implementation of effective staff performance appraisal systems and the need to improve on the mechanism to address and meet the performance needs of employees.
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