The Impact of Organizational Behavior on Organizational Citizenship Behavior A Field study on BEMO Saudi Fransi Bank
The aim of this research is to study the three dimensions of organizational behavior (evaluation of the worker’s personality, the motives of the worker, its interactivity within the work team) and the dimensions of organizational citizenship (altruism, general compliance, conscience awareness and civilizational behavior) among Bemo Saudi Fransi employees. (163) questionnaires were distributed to those who accepted to participate in the study and based on the approval and direction of the relevant departments in Bemo Saudi Fransi Bank, where the number of the sample's employees is (690) employees, and it was concluded that there was a statistically significant effect of the organizational behavior variables (evaluation of the worker’s personality, The motivations of the worker) while there is no relation to the variable (interactivity within the work team) in the behavior of organizational citizenship towards the management of the bank (altruism) and the presence of a statistically significant effect of organizational behavior variables (evaluation of the worker’s personality, worker motivations, the ability of the worker to interact within the work team) in the behavior of Organizational citizenship towards bank management (A. Compliance with the public, awareness of conscience and civilized behavior). It was also found that there are fundamental differences attributable to the gender variable of the sample, as the males volunteer to carry out the tasks that are not required of them except that they take breaks that they do not deserve and do not spend their time working without making an effort, while the females help others who were absent from their work and seek accuracy in their work times while the absence of fundamental differences Regarding the variables of organizational behavior and organizational citizenship in relation to the variable of the academic level of the sample. It was recommended that employees should be involved more in the management of a bank by setting up awareness sessions for them and doing some administrative matters within the management of a bank and opening means and channels of communication with management continuously and periodically, and trying to support the sense of creativity and innovation for workers in Bemo Saudi Fransi Bank and to conduct training courses and that By training employees to improve the image of a bank’s management and to perform the job with perfection and dedication.
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