Occupational Stress on Employees’ Performance among National Union of Road Transportation Workers in Ilorin Metropolis, Nigeria
Stress has been denoted has a state of mental or emotional draining or tension consequential from adverse or demanding circumstances. The study has investigated the influence of occupational stress on employees’ performance among national union of road transportation workers in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State, Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to examine the influence of occupational stress (time pressure, workload, lack of motivation and role ambiguity) on employees’ performance. The study population consists of random selection of commercial drivers in Ilorin Metropolis. A structured questionnaire was administered to the commercial drivers to solicit their options on the variable concerned. A total number of 200 questionnaire are administered but only 171 questionnaires were fully filled representing 86% response rate. The structured questionnaire includes the demographic information’s and statements to measure the four independent variable examined on employees’ performance. Linear regression analysis was carried out to examine the dependent and independent variables using SPSS. The hypotheses revealed that that time pressure and role ambiguity have significant and negative influence on employees’ performance while the two other variables of workload and lack of motivation do not have any significant influence on employee performance. Therefore, it was concluded that increasing time pressure and role ambiguity would reduce employees’ performance in all aspects. Therefore it is important for managers to ensure role ambiguity is minimized and clear roles are given and communicated to the employees if they wish to enhance employees’ performance. Government should encourage the use of ministry of transportation (MOT) for testing vehicles; this will force and compel the owners to maintain their vehicles as adopted by UK government. Also government should provide good road facilities and good road networks.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v10i2.16939
Copyright (c) 2020 Olusesi Lateef Damilare, Abdulazeez Abdulmaleek Olawale, Ajimotokan Abidemi Eniola

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