Benevolence Attitudes of Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundations’ Personnel According to Their Administrative Profiles: A Qualitative Research in the Case of Sakarya Turkey
Social assistance, as in the world today is an important mechanism in the fight against poverty in Turkey. Social assistance and solidarity foundations in Turkey are active institutions that provide the functionality of this mechanism. Although these foundations are important in terms of social policy; it is possible to evaluate the profiles, career problems, communication skills and benevolence attitudes of the personnel of the foundation with the human resources discipline. This research has been created based on the question of what kind of relationship is between the profiles and benevolence attitudes of foundation personnel. Turkey Sakarya in all a foundation within the sixteen districts of the province in total personnel made a qualitative research data analysis provided by in-depth interviews and findings have been obtained by combining the coding method similar answers. The study was shaped in the field research process of a thesis that was not published with the qualitative research method in the context of social policy when a foundation staff emphasized the need to look at the subject from their viewpoint. Interview questions were reconsidered and this study was directed with the idea that sufficient information was provided, and analyses and evaluations were made.
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