Job Insecurity and Burnout among Teachers in Turkey
In personal perceptions and evaluations, job insecurity is one of the facts that threaten employment and assurance to stay at work as a result of the ever-changing conditions of working life beyond finding a job. The negative results of the processes that cannot be coped with in the working life also constitute burnout. Like job insecurity, burnout emerges as a multi-dimensional and chronic response of personalized and failed efforts to manage various negative stress conditions. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between job insecurity and burnout. The hypothesis of the research was tested on 224 teachers working in the public sector. In addition, the sample group was asked if they had experienced unemployment and life changes that occurred when they experienced unemployment were also determined. The results of the study confirmed the relationship between job insecurity and burnout and revealed that teachers were less affected by burnout as their employability increased.
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