Greek Economic Crisis and Changes in HR Management The Case of Greek Structural Design Engineers
Nowadays the modern business operates in an ever-changing environment that is strongly influenced by technological, political, social, economic and scientific developments. Its future and success are based on its ability to manage properly and to develop its human resources that are the most important and at the same time the most difficult resource.
Because of the economic crisis that started on 2008 the work environment worldwide changed in a great number of organizations. This sudden change of organization generated new topics in the field of organizations. Leadership and motivation in the workplace are two of them.
The current work paper focuses on the in-depth analysis of a small group of employees (qualitative research) in a workplace with a strong influence from the Greek economic crisis, although in the last years was one of the main sectors of the economy.
In the first part is presented the social and working face of Greece, the timeline of Greek crisis and its consequences. An empirical research conducted within the changing environmenent, its results, conclusions and recommendations complete the current paper. The outcome highlights the need of Great leadership, communication and inside motivation within the economic crisis environment.
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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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