When Police Behave-A Transformation Program That Reshapes Police-Community Relationships Based on Problem Solving and Values
The escalation of the global events that followed the death of George Floyd in USA Minneapolis, Minnesota on May 25th of 2020, and what followed from demonstrations in all over the world; despite the presence of a global pandemic, shows the importance and the complications of an event that started with police miss-behaviour. ‘I can’t breathe’ a slogan carried by Floyd and many others earlier, carries within it, lots of meaning, however, one of the most important of meanings is the police brutality and the way they behave in certain times. This paper reviews the modern policing and specifically the values expected to be embedded in the police culture and the way they behave even in challenging times.
The literature review goes into exploiting the importance of police and community engagement through problem-solving programs and the accumulative collective impact on ‘empathetic policing’ that lead to ‘social dialogue’. The case study in this paper focuses on the ‘police inspiration labs’ and how it gave a chance for more police with community engagement towards solving essential society problems. Besides, the paper shows the difference between (systems-driven vs behaviours-driven) police development programs. The paper carries important implication for developing further the role of the police in the ‘quality of life’ and support the government to transform the budget of policing into grey areas, i.e. area where the police are encouraged to execute more efforts towards preventing and developing instead of correcting and reacting towards community incidences and challenges.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v10i3.17237
Copyright (c) 2020 Mohamed Buheji

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