An Assessment on the Impact of Training and Development on Employees’ Performance in the Namibian Defence Force at Okahandja
The study focused on assessing the impact of training and development on employee performance in the Namibia Defence Force (NDF) at Okahandja. Since its inception, the NDF has been providing continuous training and development programs to pursue the organizational mission & vision. Sadly, for the past two (2) years when the organization started facing financial challenges; it suspended most of its training activities both internal and external. This, in turn, has affected employees’ performance who should be continuously trained during peacetime to upgrade their skills, knowledge, and competencies needed to perform their duties professionally. The study employed descriptive research design to draw a sample of 100 employees from a population of 500 employees. Correlation analysis was used to establish relationship between training, development, and employee’s performance. The study found out that there was positive relationship between training and development with employee’s and NDF performance. It also revealed that employee’s performance increased the way the NDF staffs works with other government agencies across the country. Therefore, the NDF should seek to prioritize their training and development (T&D) programmes based on the training budget and avoid random cost cutting.
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