Human Resources Practices in Effective Corporate Governance Approach
Corporate governance is a concept that emphasizes sustainable growth and stability in order to successfully transfer businesses to future generations. It also allows businesses to be well managed under a professional, transparent, fair and accountable management approach. Corporate governance is closely related to the human resources practices carried out by the businesses and the institutionalization levels of the businesses. The lack of any initiative on human resources practices in enterprises or the lack of these practices constitutes the biggest obstacle to the institutionalization of businesses. The study created for this purpose is structured to examine the impact of human resources practices on corporate governance understanding. The study sample was prepared in a business in the food and beverage industry with 66 branches operating in Turkey. Qualitative research method based on the interview, document review and observation techniques was applied. According to the findings, successful human resource management practices were found to be closely related to the levels of corporate governance and institutionalization. It was determined that the deficiencies in human resources practices on the researched business prevented the formation of institutionalization and then prevented the corporate governance understanding.
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