Factors Influencing the Consumer Psychology of Cigarette Smokers and Impact of Awareness on Cigarette Consumption - A Literature Review
Smoking is a process in which a cigarette is burnt and the resulting smoke is inhaled. A total of 96% of tobacco users are cigarette smokers. With nearly eight million people killed in the world annually, the levels are expected to rise. Despite having a basic knowledge of its adverse effects, the psychology of individuals still prompts them to go towards cigarette consumption causing health and social harms. The purpose of this paper is to review the existing literature to identify the smokers' psychological factors, which enables to comprehend what drives an individual towards smoking. Further, the article focuses on the awareness element of a smoker concerning how it has an overall effect on smoking consumption. With the backing of literature, the paper reasons that awareness can have a significant impact on the consumption levels and must be considered along with the consumer psychology component in order to find more accurate results and interpretations.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v10i3.17616
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