A Serial Mediation Model of Perceived Organizational Support on Turnover Intention: The Role of Job Crafting and Thriving at Work

Suchuan Zhang, Wenzhao Zhang


The purpose of this paper is to increase understanding of the influence mechanisms of perceived organizational support (POS) on turnover intention, through job crafting and thriving at work. Two-wave data from 541 full-time employees working in northern China were collected. The hypotheses were tested using hierarchical linear regression analysis with the PROCESS plug-in for SPSS to determine the significance of mediators. The results showed that though job crafting did not mediate the POS-turnover intention relationship alone, it interposed in this relationship by affecting thriving at work. This study suggests that a supportive work environment that inspires employees to redesign their jobs and thrive at work plays an important role in helping retain staff. From an employees’ self-development perspective, this study proposed a serial mediation model to extend understanding of POS - turnover intention relationship.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v11i1.18078

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