Study Gaps in Leadership Styles and Employees Performance in Public Sectors: A Review of Literature

Redie Bezabih Hailu, Derek Verrier


Purpose – The paper aims to examine the relationship of leadership styles and employees job performance in public sectors and to identify study gaps in the area

Design/methodology/approach – The paper used exploratory study approach and reviewed literatures related to this study. The data used for study was generated from secondary sources of articles, books and review papers.

Findings – The paper provides empirical insights about how leadership styles have relations and impacts on employees’ performance and the practice of public service leadership in different contexts and nations.

Research limitations/implications – This study used only qualitative method and data were gained from only secondary sources. This may cause generalizability limitations.

Practical implications – The paper has significant implication for researchers, role players of public sectors leaders and experts working under the supervision of leaders or managers.

Originality/value – This paper is original and own effort of the researcher.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Redie Bezabih Hailu

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International Journal of Human Resource Studies  ISSN 2162-3058


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