Understanding How GenZ Learns?

Tanya Pal, Aaryan Sen, Adi Raheja


The study explores the evolving learning dynamics between Gen Z and educators/facilitators, highlighting the generational shifts in preferences and behaviors that impact facilitative style—conducted in two phases. The research involved over 300 GenZs on the verge of transitioning from an educational forum to an organizational setup and 10 facilitators from diverse backgrounds. Using multiple data collecting methods like interviews, focus group discussions, and surveys the goal was to bridge the gap between learners’ and facilitators’ experiences at an organizational level, aiming to enhance the learning process. 

Ten key themes emerged, including GenZ’s persona, preferred learning environments, in-session experiences, the transition from education to the workplace, learning motivations, online versus offline learning, the role of facilitators, facilitator’s expectations of GenZ, challenges faced by GenZ, and factors to consider when planning sessions.

These themes were used to develop a learning framework that offers educators insights into how GenZ learners are perceived by facilitators and vice versa. Along with it, the framework maps the factors and the group preferences that would lead to an optimal learning zone. For example, when it comes to the environment of learning, the cohort strongly prefers to learn in small groups with like-minded people. At the same time when it comes to motivation, the awareness of what the session entails for the group has a stronger impact, along with other factors.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijld.v14i3.22074


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