Politics, Religion and Temple Governance: A Study on the Administration of Guruvayur Sree Krishna Temple in Kerala

Rajagopal P. K.


Guruvayur Temple is one of the most well-known religious destinations in Kerala and the country. Due to its stunning architecture and extensive history, the temple draws visitors from all over the world. This temple, located in the Thrissur district in northern Kerala, is also regarded as the Dwarka of the south. With its diverse social and religious functions, cultural norms, and symbolic arrangements, Guruvayur is the hub of an extensive cultural history that includes secular and sacred establishments. Pilgrims from all over the country and overseas have come to commemorate the diversity of traditions that have defined Kerala’s religion and culture. The temple forbids the entry of non-Hindus which creates controversies occasionally in the political and religious arena. The Government of Kerala took over the administration of the temple through an ordinance that became an Act in 1971. Several Enquiry Commissions on Temple Administration made radical ideas, but the government did not execute any of them. The study discusses the history and legend of the temple as well as problems concerning the temple administration. The administration of Temple draws the interest of political scientists, administrators, and the media because of its politicisation, corruption, inefficiency, and governmental control.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/iss.v12i1.22005


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