Child Maintenance, Father Child Relationships and Family Wellbeing

Paulette Andrea Henry


This study assesses the correlation between the provision of child maintenance and father child relationship which ultimately affects child wellbeing. Using a mixed method approach, court records were examined over a five year period and interviews with thirty fathers were conducted. The data reveal that the majority of fathers were in non-marital relationships, pointing to the vulnerability of children born within such unions especially when family finances are scarce. Perceptions on the father child relationship were sought from fathers on their relationship with their children. The study found that fathers understood their financial responsibilities to their children and yearned for improved relationships with their offspring but their economic situation, relationships with the mother of the child, geographic proximity, family of origin and the court system hindered these relationships. Options to consider when fathers cannot meet their financial commitment have been proposed.

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Issues in Social Science  ISSN 2329-521X  Email:

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