Home-School Communication Practices in Primary Schools in Kenya
Effective two-way communication between the parents and schools is crucial in realizing meaningful learning among children. However, home-school communication was reported to be poor, especially among primary schools in Kakamega County, Kenya. Thus, this study sought to ascertain the effectiveness of family-school communication practices in these schools. A literature review concerning family-school communication and interviews were conducted. Twelve parents, thirteen Parent Teacher Association (PTA) chairpersons and ten District Quality Assurance and Standards Officers (DQASOs), as being information-rich informants, were purposively sampled for the interviews. Semi-structured individual interviews, guided by interview schedules were used. The presentation of the relevant data was done in a narrative format substantiated by verbatim quotations. The findings revealed inadequacies in as far as home-school communication was concerned. It was established that the family-school communication practices in the county were largely ineffective. The findings could be used to improve practice with intent to enhance meaningful learning among the children.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jet.v5i1.12703
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Copyright (c) 2018 Benard Omenge Nyatuka, Eleanor Maud Lemmer

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