Evaluation of Management Skills and Training among Horticultural Farmers in Botswana
This quantitative study aimed to determine the level of management skills and training among small scale horticultural farmers in Botswana. The study adopted an exploratory and descriptive survey research design. A valid and reliable questionnaire was used to collect data through a survey of forty (n=40) purposively sampled small scale horticultural farmers in Botswana. A six-point Likerts’ scale ranging from 0=No skill to 5=very high skill was used to measure the level of eight areas of farm management skills and training namely; planning and goal setting skills, accounting and financial management skills, communication skills, productivity management skills, product procurement and marketing skills, decision making skills, risk management skills, and technical skills. Mean and standard deviations for each of the farm management skills were calculated and, tested for their significance using a Chi Square test. Findings revealed that farmers had an overall high level of farm management skills and training. Communication skill was the only skill which the farmers had at a very high level. Farmers had high skills levels in the technical skills, product procurement and marketing management skills, planning and goal setting skills and, decision-making skills. Farmers had a low skill levels in risk management skills followed by accounting and financial management skills and, production and productivity management skills. Therefore, the farmers need to be adequately trained in skill areas of risk management, production and productivity management skills and, accounting and financial management. Specific and important recommendations include formulation and implementation of effective agricultural insurance policies; inculcate the adoption of appropriate farm technologies, leadership and cooperation skills among farmers and, training of farmers in the areas of scientific production techniques, plant protection and record keeping. To prioritize the areas for effective and time bound improvement in the farm management skills among horticultural farmers, further study can be conducted to determine the influence of socio-economic characteristics of farmers on the level of their farm management skills.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jet.v5i2.13231
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