From Social Research to Education and Training - Campaigns to Raising Public Awareness of Hazards
The education of society regarding safety is in fact the cheapest, smartest and most effective form of preventing danger. It constitutes a fundamental way of building the population’s safety. It also has a great influence upon the attitudes, values, knowledge and skills required for proper behaviour in case of danger.
The article describes the education process consisting in the transfer of knowledge and teaching skills in order to take specific actions, as well as forms and tools to raise the level of social awareness, especially in terms of perceiving actions, and a list of references showing the flow of social research, its purpose, and the tools used. Most of the elements, however, are shown in the list of possibilities to use tools on a very large scale, in the form of social campaigns. An example is given of a practical approach to all departments and goals for raising the level of social opinion in Transcarpathia and of hazadrs occurring in that area and ways to counteract them.Full Text:
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Copyright (c) 2020 Barbara Szykula Piec, Izabella Grabowska Lepczak, Monika Wojakowska

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Journal of Education and Training ISSN 2330-9709
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