The Local Government Strategy in Sub-District Development as the Center of Economic Development with One Sub-District One Product Based at Mukomuko Region in Bengkulu Province
The focus of the study was to analize the strategy of developing district as the centre of economic growth with One District One Product principle by formulating the accurate strategy in planning the development of district with One District One Product principle in Mukomuko District of Bengkulu. The existing unbalanced development and regional gap made the study important. The method used in the study was descriptive qualitative and explorative within 15 districts of Mukomuko, Bengkulu. Data collecting was done by interview, observation, documentation, triangulation (Forum Groups Discussion), and using quantitative analysis measurement (scalogram, LQ, MRP, Overlay, and interaction).
The result of the study showed 5 (five) districts as economic growth and regional development in Mukomuko District of Bengkulu, namely: (1) District of Mukomuko City, (2) District of Lubuk Pinang, (3) District of Penarik, (4) District of Pondok Suguh, and (5) District of Ipuh. Featured products of each sub-district determined by the potential of natural resources and Gross Domestic Regional Product as featured commodities of One District One Product were: rice commodity, cattle, chicken, rubber, salt-water fish, Kelong shrimp, Soka crab, galian c (quarry), Mingkih fish, tofu/tempe, and Pandan Wangi Beach tourism. Competitive Strategy and ASOCA Analysis were used to formulate the strategy to develop district as economic growth centre.
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Journal of Public Administration and Governance ISSN 2161-7104
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