Practice of Maintenance Management of Infrastructures on Sports Stadia in Ghana
The paper assessed the maintenance practices of traditional public stadia in Ghana. It also sought to evaluate the current state, causes, and effects of poor maintenance practices on the stadia. The study used structured questionnaires administered to 60 maintenance managers, equipment officers, and property officers. The questionnaire administration was done using the purposive sampling technique. The findings show that failing to respond on time, routine inspection, stadium design and structure and utilization of unstandardized material were perceived by respondent as the main causes of poor maintenance practices. The findings of this study indicate that poor maintenance practices have effects on the full usage of the public stadia. The results clearly indicate that the grievances are mainly man-made.
The paper contributes to the literature on the practices of maintenance of public infrastructure especially for West Africa countries and other emerging countries. The study may be great to professionals on the key activities in the esteem of best maintenance management practices on stadia in Ghana and beyond.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Yinghua, Chen, Agyemang Prempeh Fredua Sylvester, Mandella Osei- Assibey Bonsu, Andrews Yaw Minkah

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Journal of Public Administration and Governance ISSN 2161-7104
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