Governance and Good Governance-A Conceptual Perspective
Good Governance has been in argument from three decades in context of theoretical approach. It is specified and encompassed in Political Science of development in reverence of administrative component to achieve Social goals of society. The wide range of Good Governance topic has been understood to create an atmosphere of Accountability, Transparency, Rule of Law, Consensus orientation, Effectiveness and Efficiency so as to develop the region with international and national standards of the State. Good Governors relates to the institutional reformation Process and Political Will regarding Peace and sustainable development of the region.
This research paper defines Good Governance with its all essential elements to achieve the development programs with the long range values, whereas, Political participation with the democratic ideas for achieving the goal of maintainable development of the region. The vision of good governance is discussed on boarder vision from institution to the state and Socio-economic factor is emphasized through the good governance reformative period.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Abdul Rahim

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Journal of Public Administration and Governance ISSN 2161-7104
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