Measuring Multi-Agency South Wales Police Corruption: Implications of Evidence from Within
Purpose: This is a research paper that is focused on the evaluation of ex-senior policing managers perceptions and experiences of corruption practices, raised issues and developments related to the South Wales Police service, UK.
Methodology: An interpretive methodology was utilised in order to help understand ex-senior police perceptions underpinning multi-agency corruption over a number of decades. The scope for this research were former senior police officers who experienced the results of corruption processes and outcomes during their working activities in South Wales Police service. The population of interest was made up of 15 former senior police officers, who worked in multi-site police stations across the designated police area. Interviews were conducted with ten (10) former senior police officers.
Findings: The research outcomes consisted of four (4) Key Themes - Police Administration, Police Command Conduct, Judicial Involvement and Oversight, ten (10) sub-Themes with 221 conversation targets.
Implications: The paper addresses a number of raised areas resulting out of the analysis of the narrative to establish outcomes as - Police Administration, Police Command Conduct, Judicial Involvement and Oversight - and the deliberated implications of corruption for the management of the South Wales Police service.
Originality: Very little research has been conducted in this area and the paper addresses some major concerns/responses and important difficulties related to reducing opportunities for corruption conducted by police officers in the South Wales policing area.
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