Factors Influencing the Implementation of Agricultural Policy: A Case Study from Ghana’s Cocoa Diseases and Pests Control (CODAPEC) Program
Implementations of public policies and programs have been the bane of developing countries. Ghana is no exception as past policy measures initiated to resuscitate the dwindling cocoa industry have been implemented with less success. The introduction of the Cocoa Diseases and Pests Control (CODAPEC) program has been unique from the earlier reforms. The article explores on this program using a case study research based on survey questionnaire data from 100 farmers in Bia District of Ghana. The analysis focuses on the contributory factors and the relative importance of these factors towards implementation of this agricultural program. Five main factors of success were identified. The results showed that all these factors mattered as they played different and important roles. However, three key successes of factors based on statistical evidence were the supply of skilled personnel, active participation of farmers in the education program and high quantity of agrochemicals supplied. The study recommends the creation of incentive systems to reduce cost of production, periodic review of the producer price of cocoa and the development of the private sector.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jpag.v10i1.16613
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