Evaluation of Corporate Social Responsibility Performance in Air Transport Enterprise
The key objective of this paper is to present the dimensions and the characteristics of an airport enterprise management engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). By analyzing different strategies and plans towards CSR, applied in a sample of 15 European airports, the comprehensiveness is defined, providing the assessment framework of the airports CSR effectiveness and efficiency. Conventional wisdom is to provide a CSR assessment framework applied on airport industry. The methodology based on the competitive analysis framework, driven by benchmarking analysis applied to a group of European airports engaged in different CSR strategies. Defining the key actions of the airports CSR strategy, an assessment framework to review how this strategy meets social goals is developed. The airport strategy is reviewed considering the aviation business characteristics such as, traffic and regional GDP. Based on data collected from 15 busy European airports, the comprehensiveness of CSR strategy for this business sector considering stakeholders’ theory is investigated. The outputs provide key messages to decision makers, managers, and stakeholders towards CSR comprehensiveness of the airport operators.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jpag.v10i2.16645
Copyright (c) 2020 Dimitrios J. DIMITRIOU

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