Empirical Analysis of Teacher’s Accountability as an Instrument of Effective Policy Implementation in Nigeria
Accountability in discharging official duties is very essential as it increases effectiveness and efficiency in service delivery. As public servants teachers are expected to demonstrate high level commitment in the teaching and learning process as this will lead to the attainment of quality education. The paper pointed out that where secondary education is of good quality, right students will be admitted into tertiary institutions of learning and subsequently, competent graduates will be produced who will work in different capacities. Literate workforce is however capable of implementing government’s policies in a more effective and efficient manner. The research employs descriptive research analysis to analyze teacher’s accountability in secondary schools of Sokoto state, Nigeria. The results showed pleasing teacher’s accountability. The paper therefore recommends that the government should intensify efforts and put in place more appropriate mechanisms including motivation and constant training and re-training of the teachers in order to maintain the tempo as this will ensure the attainment of the much needed quality education and subsequently effective implementation of government policies.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jpag.v5i4.8603
Copyright (c) 2015 Journal of Public Administration and Governance
Journal of Public Administration and Governance ISSN 2161-7104
Email: jpag@macrothink.org
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