The Need for Decolonized Education: A Textual Analysis of Existing Literature in the Public Domain in Support of the Canadian National Inquiry Documents Calls for Education

Nicole Abotossaway, Dr. Jonathan Pitt


The significance of this study sits in the importance of restorying for decolonial education. The textual analysis of literature in public domain in support of the Canadian national inquiry documents (2015, Truth and Reconciliation Calls (TRC) and the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) Calls, 2019) highlighted the magnitude of story to curriculum and Indigenous culture. Barriers included contemporary issues in mainstream schooling. The prominence of culture within the interconnected relationship with land-based learning in curriculum development and programming for wellness/well-being on Turtle Island (North America) are paramount. The present-day state of affairs in the mainstream educational Canadian landscape is not aligned with Indigenous appropriate methodologies and culture as a subjective measure and therefore falls short. Cultural, societal and land-linked factors must be considered as indicators.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Nicole Abotossaway, Dr. Jonathan Pitt

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Journal of Studies in Education ISSN 2162-6952


Copyright © Macrothink Institute 


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