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Potgieter, Johannes H., School of Chemical & Metallurgical Engineering Private Bag X3, Wits University of the Witwatersrand 2050, South Africa (South Africa)
Poudel, Krishna Lal, University of Missouri, Columbia (United States)
Pouliot, Yves, Université Laval (Canada)
Pour Mousavi, Seyed Mousa
Pourmiri, Shirin, University of Delaware (United States)
Poveda, Cesar A., University of Alberta (Canada)
Prudence, Tambura, Bindura University of Science Education (Zimbabwe)
Purbayanto, Ari, Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization, Bogor Agricultural Institute
Purwanto, P., Diponegoro University (Indonesia)
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Environmental Management and Sustainable Development ISSN 2164-7682
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