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Fadly Habidin, Nurul
Fakutiju, Michael A., Mississippi State University (United States)
Falcone, Pasquale Marcello, Department of Low, Philosophy and Economic Studies (Italy)
Famiyeh, Samuel, GIMPA Business School, Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, Achimota, Accra (Ghana)
Farquhar, Samantha D., Agriculture and Forestry University (Nepal)
Ferella, Francesco, University of L’Aquila (Italy)
Fernandes, Carolina Cristina, University of São Paulo (Brazil)
Ferreira, Elisa Helena da Rocha, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Fodor, Andy, Ohio University (United States)
Fon, Fombe Lawrence, The University of Bamenda (Cameroon)
Fonteh, Niba Mary, University of Bamenda (Cameroon)
Forton, Osric Tening, African Development Bank Group. Avenue Joseph Anoma (Côte d'Ivoire)
Fotue Totouom, Armand Luc, University of Yaoundé II (Cameroon)
Fowdur, Sudhir Chetan, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science University of Mauritius (Mauritius)
Franchetti, Matthew, Dept. of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Toledo University (United States)
Franchetti, Matthew, The University of Toledo (United States)
Franchetti, Matthew, The University of Toledo
Franchetti, Matthew
Fraser, John, New Knowledge Organization Ltd. (United States)
Fredrick, Sseggiriinya, Makerere University (Uganda)
Freitas, Lucas Jose Mazzei de, Embrapa Amazônia Oriental (Brazil)
Frisina, Michael, Dept. of Animal & Range Sciences, Montana State University (United States)
Frisina, Michael R., Department of Animal and Range Sciences (United States)
Frisina, Michael, Department of Animal and Range Sciences, Montana State University (United States)
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Environmental Management and Sustainable Development ISSN 2164-7682
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