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khan, Shehryar, University of Science and Technology China (China)
khan Aghai, Aazam (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Khanh, Tran Le Quoc, University of Manitoba (Canada)
Kharat, Manoj Govind, National Institute Of Industrial Engineering (India)
Kharat, Mukesh Govind, National Institute Of Industrial Engineering (India)
Khatib, Rami El, Canadian University Dubai (United Arab Emirates)
Khaw, Eu Han, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Malaysia)
Khoa, Dinh Hoang Dang, Institute of Environment and Resources (Viet Nam)
Kiani, Akbar
Kiano, Elvis K., University of Eldoret (Kenya)
Kidido, Joseph Kwaku, Department of Land Economy, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi Ghana (Ghana)
Kim, Kyung Man, University of California, Irvine (Pakistan)
Kimengsi, Jude Ndzifon, Catholic University of Cameroon (Cameroon)
Kimengsi, Jude Ndzifon, The University of Bamenda (Cameroon)
Kita, Katarzyna, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (Poland)
Kitchen, Karen A., Montana State University
Ko, Soyoung, Ryerson University
Koech, Oscar, University of Nairobi (Kenya)
Kokofu, Henry Kwabena, Environmental Protection Agency (Ghana)
Kometa, Sunday Shende, University of Bamenda (Cameroon)
Kometa, Sunday Shende, The University of Bamenda (Cameroon)
Korevaar, H. (Netherlands)
Kostakis, Ioannis, Researcher Harokopio University School of Environment, Geography and Applied Economics Department of Home Economics and Ecology Graduate Program of Sustainable Development
Kötter, Theo
Koulelis, Panagiotis P., Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems & Forest Products Technology (Greece)

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